The Power of WE Campaign

Our commitment is unwavering. 

To the women entrepreneurs, their families and their communities in Tanzania;

To our vision of a world in which empowered women elevate communities and eliminate poverty;

and to our mission of creating sustainable economic growth by providing capital, coaching and community.

The challenging times we are in are no exception. The effects of the pandemic can be felt all around the world, across many ways of life. For the communities we serve in Tanzania, it’s no different.

It’s at this intersection of our commitment and the challenges we face, that we lean on what’s at the core of who we are and what we do: community-based approaches.

WE identified three ways your gift can help to rebuild, reimagine and re-energize – all so we can continue our mission for years to come. No matter the amount or impact area, your gift makes a big difference!


Refund Microloan Capital

Fundraising Goal: $70,000

Our mission is to eliminate poverty, so WE forgave the repayment of 720 loans distributed during the pandemic.

The economic disruption and supply chain shortages caused by the global pandemic forced WE participants to choose between feeding their families or paying back the loan. A decision no one should have to make. The power of WE will allow us to rebuild and continue our mission for years to come. A $70 donation can restore one loan and help us rebuild our entire portfolio.

$70 will restore

one loan

Restore A Loan


Staff & Program Support

Fundraising Goal: $60,000

Microloans alone won’t solve the challenges faced by the women we serve. So with each microloan we provide to a woman, we also require that they participate in peer-to-peer Support Circles and business coaching.

This proven model (WE had a100% repayment rate prior to the pandemic!) creates strong foundations for the businesses of our clients. It requires staff, consultants, travel costs and supplies. These are monthly expenses for World Encounter for which we need 100 new monthly donors.



Expand Program Support

Fundraising Goal: $35,000

WE's purpose is providing global communities for women. The greatest need in Tanzania is economic and the greatest need state-side is community. The pandemic has caused isolation for many. As we serve women-entrepreneurs in Tanzania, we see a need for women in Minnesota and beyond. 

Our hope is to expand both our microloan program (we have a waiting list of 200 women) and our advocacy. We are looking for seven community sponsors to help us grow and in-turn, serve more women and families globally.

$5,000 Sponsorship


Our Impact Grows with Your Involvement

Changing the world can’t be done alone.
WE is funded by generous individual donors, private enterprise, and grants. WE also grows through volunteers and partnerships.

WE is grateful for our relationships with corporate partners and other non-profits.

Hands On Twin Cities

Historically, WE has received generously from Twin Cities companies, which have invested $1.8 million dollars (and counting) into women who are creating a sustainable global economy.

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